Galilean Electrodynamics

Experience, Reason, and Simplicity Above Authority

Editor in Chief: Cynthia Kolb Whitney

ISSN: 1047-4811 (print version)
Galilean Electrodynamics aims to publish high-quality scientific papers that discuss challenges to accepted orthodoxy in physics, especially in the realm of relativity theory, both special and general. In particular, the journal seeks papers arguing that Einstein’s theories are unnecessarily complicated, have been confirmed only in a narrow sector of physics, lead to logical contradictions, and are unable to derive results that must be postulated, though they are derivable by classical methods.
The journal also publishes papers in areas of potential application for better relativistic underpinnings, from quantum mechanics to cosmology. We are interested, for example, in challenges to the accepted Copenhagen interpretation for the predictions of quantum mechanics, and to the accepted Big-Bang theory for the origin of the Universe.
On occasion, the journal will publish papers on other less relativity-related topics. But all papers are expected to be in the realms of physics, engineering or mathematics. Non-mathematical, philosophical papers will generally not be accepted unless they are fairly short or have something new and outstandingly interesting to say.
The journal seeks to publish any and all new and rational physical theories consistent with experimental fact. Where there is more than one new theory that meets the criteria of consistency with experiment, faultless logic and greater simplicity than orthodoxy offers, none will be favored over the others, except where Ockham’s razor yields an overwhelming verdict.
Though the main purpose of the journal is to publish papers contesting orthodoxy in physics, it will also publish papers responding in defense of orthodoxy. We invite such responses because our ultimate purpose here is to find the truth. We ask only that such responses offer something more substantive than simple citation of doctrine.
The journal most values papers that cite experimental evidence, develop rational analyses, and achieve clear and simple presentation. Papers reporting experimental results are preferred over purely theoretical papers of equally high standard. No paper seen to contradict experiment will be accepted. But papers challenging the current interpretation for observed facts will be taken very seriously.
Short papers are preferred over long papers of comparable quality. Shortness often correlates with clarity; papers easily understandable to keen college seniors and graduate students are given emphatic preference over esoteric analyses accessible to only a limited number of specialists. For many reasons, short papers may pass review and be published much faster than long ones.
The journal also publishes correspondence, news notes, and book reviews challenging physics orthodoxy. Readers are encouraged to submit interesting and vivid items in any of these categories.
All manuscripts submitted receive review by qualified physicists, astronomers, engineers, or mathematicians. The Editorial Board does not take account of any reviewer recommendation that is negative solely because manuscript contradicts accepted opinion and interpretation.
Unorthodox science is usually the product of individuals working without institutional or governmental support. For this reason, authors in Galilean Electrodynamics pay no page charges, and subscription fees heavily favor individual subscribers over institutions and government agencies. Galilean Electrodynamics does not ask for taxpayers’ support, and would refuse any government subsidies if offered. This policy is based on the belief that a journal unable to pay for itself by its quality and resulting reader appeal has no moral right to existence, and may even lack the incentive to publish good science.

GED Editor in Chief:
Cynthia Kolb Whitney , Visiting Industry Professor Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, retired

GED-East Editor:
Jaroslav G. Klyushin , Chair of Applied Mathematics, University of Civil Aviation, St. Petersburg, Russia, retired

GED Emeritus Editor:
Howard C. Hayden , Professor Emeritus of Physics University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut